

Published in Community Health - Community Health Stories

当像南巴尔的摩伙伴关系这样的组织需要为社区活动提供物资时, they reach out to the Baltimore Community ToolBank. Their huge inventory includes tables, chairs, coolers, grills, sound systems, lighting, 非营利性组织和社区组织经常需要的垃圾桶和其他物品,但往往缺乏购买或租用的资金, or have space to store.

“Because of the Baltimore Community ToolBank, bet8九州下载能够呈现一个非常复杂和精心安排的活动,” says Betty Bland-Thomas, executive director of the South Baltimore Partnership, which champions youth environmental stewardship. “我没有我需要的所有设备,或者我买不起. 拥有这种设备有助于bet8九州下载执行任务.”

巴尔的摩社区工具库在2020年获得了来自世界银行的3000美元和5000美元赠款 Johns Hopkins Neighborhood Fund. 赠款帮助ToolBank将某些工具的库存增加了一倍, like pallet jacks and handcarts, 这样他们就可以帮助非营利组织开展食品分发等项目,以应对COVID-19.

约翰霍普金斯大学社区基金支持为约翰霍普金斯大学校园附近社区服务的非营利组织,并通过员工或机构参与与约翰霍普金斯大学建立联系. 邻里基金利用通过联合之路活动获得的承诺捐款,通过解决社区振兴领域的需求,帮助当地非营利组织建立更强大的社区, education, employment, health and public safety.

“这项社区服务是负担得起的一个强有力的例子, sustainable practice,” says Anne Suydam Haskins, associate director of regional programs, 约翰霍普金斯大学和约翰霍普金斯医学院的发展和校友关系. “Tools are expensive and therefore often unobtainable, 这意味着重要的家庭和社区项目可能会因为经济问题而无法实现. 通过保留实用工具的清单——从铲子到链锯——结合志愿者的专业知识, 巴尔的摩工具库将这些工具交到公民和组织手中,然后他们就可以照顾他们的服务, properties and families.”

Noah Smock, executive director of Baltimore Community ToolBank, 说目标是帮助组织节省资金,这样他们就可以把更多的资金投入到他们的任务中. The ToolBank has been in Baltimore since 2012. There are seven other tool banks around the country.

“There’s an environmental benefit to sharing resources, rather than having organizations purchase brand new,” Smock says. “bet8九州下载帮助非营利组织和社区组织扩大项目规模. 如果没有合适的工具,bet8九州下载正在帮助实现一些可能无法实现的项目.”

The ToolBank lends tools in one-week increments. 组织收集工具,使用它们,然后归还它们. 每周收取借用工具零售价3%的费用. Therefore, if an organization gets $1,000 worth of tools, they’re renting them for just $30 that week.

斯莫克说:“我喜欢为那些致力于解决最棘手问题的合作伙伴完成订单. “bet8九州下载正在尽自己的一份力量来帮助解决粮食不安全等问题, housing insecurity and building playgrounds.”

巴尔的摩社区工具库提供了平板推车,以便南巴尔的摩伙伴关系可以向他们附近的人们分发食物. 布兰德-托马斯说,该组织一直在使用手推车为三个街区的半径提供服务, but with the ToolBank’s help, 他们能够向更多的社区成员提供食物.

布兰德-托马斯说,工具银行也是一个很好的筹款指导资源. Claire Barnes Runquist, Parks & People Foundation’s volunteer coordinator, agrees. 她很喜欢工具库与其他非营利组织的联系,以及它们如何成为这么多好工作的中心.

This summer, when Parks & People Foundation programming was forced to go virtual, 他们与ToolBank合作,在Zoom上举办了他们的第一次虚拟实地考察.

“他们向bet8九州下载的露营者展示了他们仓库里的传粉者花园,并谈论了雨水污染. The kids loved it!” says Barnes Runquist.

When The 6th Branch, a veterans’ nonprofit that constructs green spaces, needed to remove 6,600 square feet of asphalt to make a green space, they used every stone-breaking device the ToolBank had.

“如果没有工具库,这个项目是不可能实现的,” says Scott Goldman, The 6th Branch’s executive director. “bet8九州下载负担不起所有的设备.”

自组织成立以来,第六分支机构一直与Baltimore Community ToolBank合作.

“Our motto is ‘grab a shovel,’” Goldman says. “bet8九州下载与社区和邻里合作,将空地改造成社区绿地. We build parks, playgrounds and urban farms. bet8九州下载所做的工作是户外劳动,有景观美化和轻建筑元素. We need tools. There’s nowhere else that provides service at this level. You can rent through Home Depot or other neighborhood shops, 但是工具库提供的工具几乎是商业级别的. They do it with such efficiency and determination. They’re always a great resource.”


“这是一个令人难以置信的资源,而且运行得非常好,”他说. “We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without them.”


In honor of its 125th anniversary celebrated in 2018, the school of medicine awarded a total of $125,7月24日,在约翰的巴尔的摩万豪酒店举行的仪式上,向社区组织捐赠了1000美元 Hopkins Medical Campus.

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